There's no need to be aggressive or disrespectful, especially given people here are either: stuck and asking for help, or volunteers providing free help. If you have a personal conflict with someone, stop engaging with them, or bring it to the attention of staff by messaging @NH Mod-Mail.
Rules: Long Version
A Discord server of our size has, by necessity, a lot of rules with a lot of specifics attached. We've made the in-server rules quite short and put the longer, more complete version here.
Click a rule's box to expand that rule's content.
This community's primary language is English. Please use English in the server. If you need translation tools, they are freely available online. There is a chance that someone on the server shares your language and can help with your issue; if you truly cannot use translation tools then try messaging @NH Mod-Mail to see if anyone can help.
• Don't ask how to bypass network restrictions in place by Nintendo or game developers. This includes bypassing console bans.
• This also means that you should not DM others for help, ask to be DMed for help, or generally move assistance out of the server. There are many reasons for this, but the big 2 are:
• Keeping it here allows staff and other users to keep an eye on it, and counteract any misleading advice (even if well intentioned)
• It also allows the assistance interaction to be findable by others in the future, which can be useful for lots of reasons.
This is a big community, and as such we try to keep things clean and efficient. One of the best ways to streamline assistance is by directly asking your question,
including any details or fixes you may have already tried, and by keeping your question in one place.
What this means is: please don't send vague messages such as "hello anyone here?" or "help, my nintendo doesn't work". Such messages will not get you any help,
require more effort from other people to respond to you and try to extract information, and generally just make things slower.
nohello and dontasktoask can tell you more about the principle here if you'd like to read some more.
Please don't repeatedly post your question because you didn't immediately get an answer. Try asking again at some other time of day.
Additionally, please restrict your usage of GIFs and/or contextless emojis. The assistance channels are busy enough as it is.
For very long messages, or attaching debug logs or similar, use a service like pastebin.
Random bot commands, either for your own usage or your own curiosity, should go in DMs with @「Kurisu」 or in #bot-cmds.
Remain mindful and polite when asking or answering questions in the assistance channels. Derailing support or otherwise causing issues will get your access removed.
Note: Commentating on other users' issues, other off-topic or random commentary, and unrelated/unneeded/non-constructive emojis or pictures are considered 'derailing support'.
Don't brigade, raid, or otherwise attack other people or communities. Don't discuss participation in these attacks. This may warrant an immediate permanent ban.
Additionally, drama or situations from other servers should not be brought here - don't ask why you got kicked, banned, warned, muted, etc from another server just because a moderator
of that server is in this server.
One account per user. Bots/fully automated clients run by users are not allowed. Alternate accounts will have access removed.
If you are switching accounts, please remove your original from the server and/or notify staff, especially if you have lost access to the original.
Questions and points of clarification about the server can be asked in #meta.
Appeals for (and discussions about) punishments should go in #appeals-🧂.
Please do not involve yourself in discussions in this channel unless the discussion is about a punishment you received or were involved in.
Not-safe-for-work content whether explicit or implicit (including gore, animals being hurt or tortured and other "shock" content) is prohibited.
Additionally, content or messages that come close enough to this, but don't actually cross it, may be treated as breaking this at the discretion of staff.
- ask how to pirate games
- share, or ask to share, full game data
- share, or ask to share, other copyrighted data like updates
- mention piracy sites and tools by name
- indirectly mention piracy sites, tools, etc (such as 'that other shop', 'certain online archives')
- share game tickets and titlekeys
- ask to share direct messages to help with piracy
- assist with, or ask for assistance with, pirated or illegitimately obtained material
- discuss piracy in the assistance channels
- in general commit copyright violations
Software that is or might be free, such as updates and DLC, will usually still be restricted by copyright and should be treated as per this rule.
Do not post anyone else's personal information, including but not limited to social media accounts, contact details, addresses, etc.
Public figures with public social media accounts would generally be exempt from this, but please use common sense.
You control your own information, but you should still be careful where you put it - so probably don't put it here.
Get staff approval before advertising (eg your own YouTube/Twitch channels or content, fundraising, etc) or posting invite links to external groups.
We have an automatic way to send invites to approved servers; send '.invite' in #bot-cmds or Kurisu DMs to see the server list.
Use #off-topic for general chatter and #elsewhere for content that doesn't fit other channels. (use '.togglechannel elsewhere' in #bot-cmds for access)
Use #voice-and-music for voice channel commands, and #bot-cmds for general bot command usage.
Loopholing, evading, bending or otherwise skirting the rules will generally be treated as breaking them.
Rules should be interpreted as both the letter and the spirit.
Do not (directly or indirectly) talk about, ask about finding, link to, share or in general discuss leaked commercial content or insider information.
Generally, reputable news publications/articles will be an exception to this rule, because at that point it's a matter of public record, but
that will be at the discretion of staff in each individual case. Please use common sense.